Metal recycling reception facilities should collect sufficient information from sellers to easily locate them if a subsequent problem arises with regard to the materials purchased from them.
The methods presented below do not constitute the only ways of identification. The recipients of recyclable material are obviously free to use a combination of methods for the efficient and adequate identification of the sellers.
Depending on the policy a recycling company may follow, the size of the business entity, and its organizational structure; a company could incorporate any or all of the proposed methods and practices:
- Make a photocopy of the ID card, or driver's license, or any other official identification document, i.e. passport or residence permit,
- Record the vehicle's number plate, which carries the relevant material to be recycled,
- Create a receipt of material document describing with the greatest possible clarity and analysis of the acquired material and the elements it is composed of,
- Record each transaction separately for each client (by invoice), and create photo files associated with each transaction, the driver of the vehicle, the vehicle, and the seller,
- Identification details must be checked systematically and at regular intervals for confirmation of their validity, in conjunction with the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the vendor as it is recorded on a utility bill or his tax return,
- Obtain the signature of the seller, or his authorized representative, in order to complete each transaction, and a written statement that the material for sale is not a product of illegal activity,
- Payment by cheque or electronic bank transfer to the seller's bank account if the value of the transaction is higher than €1.500,
- If the payment is made in cash then the supplier must sign a receipt,
- Record the transaction, the parties involved and the load for recycling via closed circuit television, and store the video it for a specified period of time for delivery to prosecutors, if requested and/or needed,
- Exercise the right to refuse purchasing certain types of material, if they are considered inappropriate, and they are not accompanied by sufficient documentation to certify their origin. These types of materials typically are:
- Materials usually available from companies, but offered for sale by individuals, such as production returns, etc,
- Materials commonly used by state agencies or public utilities, such as water pipes, specific type cables, manhole covers, grave covers, etc,
- New materials, normally used to produce new products, or used in the building industry,
- Materials which are not new but look suspicious, such as number plates, gutters, bleachers, etc,
- Materials which are certified assets of other persons or companies, such as supermarket carts, beer barrels, etc,
- Materials which have been reported as stolen.
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